Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Leadership Myths

Sorry for the LONG time off. I sent this article to my Leadership Team at church, so I thought I would break my nearly 2-month long silence and share with you.

5 Leadership Myths Every Leader Should Abandon

The following is an excerpt. See entire article at: http://careynieuwhof.com/2014/07/5-leadership-myths-every-leader-should-abandon

There are leadership myths: Things that most leaders believe are true that really aren't. We've all fallen for a few. How many are you still falling for? And what’s stopping you from abandoning them now?

Once you abandon them, you’ll be amazed at the progress you make.

Myth #1. Success will happen overnight.

There are very few overnight successes.  Musicians often struggle in obscurity and near defeat for years before they break through - same for writers, businesses, and many other leaders. So what do you do? Set realistic expectations. Work hard. Celebrate progress, even incremental. As Winston Churchill said, success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Myth #2. Smart work, not hard work, will win the day.

Working 100+  hours a week is the answer to very few problems and completely unsustainable. But smart work is no substitute for hard work. You will always have to work hard on your leadership. You’ll always have to work hard on leading yourself, your team and your mission. When you stop growing, so do the people around you.

Myth #3. I will get universal buy-in.

This myth is so seductive.  That day will never come. You might get most people to buy in, but you will never get everyone to buy in. This kills most leaders because it causes them to procrastinate. The myth makes them "wait" until all the conditions are right to launch their big move. Conditions will never be perfect. "Everybody" will never buy in. Sometimes you just need to lead.

Myth #4. There is a silver bullet.

A silver bullet? A model I can just embrace and press play and everything will magically be wonderful? Right? Wrong. Systems trump silver bullets. If you have a problem, the system you’re using created it. To change the outcome, change the system.

Myth #5. One day I will arrive.

No you won’t. Effective leaders keep growing. They never stop. They are just relentlessly curious, and the curiosity keeps them growing. Organizations that become complacent, like people who become complacent, inevitably decline. The more successful you are, the more you will be tempted to think you have arrived. That’s why the greatest enemy of your future success is your current success.

And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.  Colossians 3:17

Pastor Daniel

Twitter: @PastorDaniel321

Email: PastorDaniel321@gmail.com

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