Friday, February 13, 2015

EMPOWERMENT - One Time When It’s Not a Good Idea

What do you do if you really don’t think the person is capable of accomplishing the goals they’ve set? When it comes to aiming high with employees [or volunteers], you have to be careful. If you are so encouraging and have such a high value for fairness that you treat everyone the same way regardless of their competence or skill level, because you believe anything is possible, and you haven’t been disappointed yet, you will be soon.

Just because you see great potential in an employee and desperately want that person to be capable of great growth doesn't mean they are actually ready, willing, and able to rise to the occasion. For some, all you have to do is set the bar high and they won’t stop until they succeed. But others really just want to stay cozy in their comfort zone and do exactly what is expected. These are not the people with whom empowerment will be effective.

See full article here:

And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.  Colossians 3:17

Pastor Daniel


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