Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Attitude and Academics

Non Sequitur

No, I don't believe in waving around my degrees as evidence of my expertise. One, that would be false advertising, because all the degree means is that I've studied the ACADEMIC aspects. Two, only practical real-life application gives one the EXPERIENCE aspect that is"on the job training." For example, you can read all about working on Black Friday in the retail world, but until you do it ... trust me on this ... you don't get it. Same with leadership. You can understand how to lead a team on paper, but until you start dealing with different people’s attitudes, quirks, and priorities, you won’t understand how difficult it is.

You don’t need a degree to be a good leader. There are great leaders who have little schooling, and there are those with a plethora of degrees who have no idea how to lead a team. Leadership is more about ATTITUDE than ACADEMICS.

Sure, having the education is a tremendous advantage, because surrounding yourself with theories and reading the great works on leadership help form your own attitudes and opinions. If you approach your leadership education as a dry sponge, absorbing what you learn and appreciate from others, you are certainly better off than when you started.

But, as I said, education is a recommendation – a VERY strong recommendation, mind you – but it is not an absolute prerequisite. Great leaders who have no formal education have the “dry sponge” attitude, learning from those around them. Attitude, grasshopper, attitude. Many of us have had horrible managers who thought they were good leaders. They were ignorant fools who thought they had leadership figured out, rather than trying to learn from others.

Unfortunately, some leaders today are also ignorant fools. They think leadership is treating people fairly, being open and honest, etc. Yes, that will get you a good way down the road. But the real problem is that most leaders don’t challenge themselves by asking a simple question – “What if I’m wrong?” By opening yourself up to this question, by allowing yourself to have this attitude of "maybe I have a wrong opinion," you may just stumble on a better way to do things. I firmly believe that the vast majority of SUCCESSFUL leaders have an attitude of, “I need to keep learning.” So keep reading, grasshopper, and keep learning.

And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.  Colossians 3:17

Pastor Daniel

Twitter: @PastorDaniel321

EMail: PastorDaniel321@gmail.com

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